Mixture of experts (MOE) ======================== Mixture of experts aims at increasing the accuracy of a function approximation by replacing a single global model by a weighted sum of local models (experts). It is based on a partition of the problem domain into several subdomains via clustering algorithms followed by a local expert training on each subdomain. A general introduction about the mixture of experts can be found in [1]_ and a first application with generalized linear models in [2]_. SMT MOE combines surrogate models implemented in SMT to build a new surrogate model. The method is expected to improve the accuracy for functions with some of the following characteristics: heterogeneous behaviour depending on the region of the input space, flat and steep regions, first and zero order discontinuities. The MOE method strongly relies on the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm for Gaussian mixture models (GMM). With an aim of regression, the different steps are the following: 1. Clustering: the inputs are clustered together with their output values by means of parameter estimation of the joint distribution. 2. Local expert training: A local expert is then built (linear, quadratic, cubic, radial basis functions, or different forms of kriging) on each cluster 3. Recombination: all the local experts are finally combined using the Gaussian mixture model parameters found by the EM algorithm to get a global model. When local models :math:`y_i` are known, the global model would be: .. math :: \begin{equation}\label{e:globalMOE} \hat{y}({\bf x})=\sum_{i=1}^{K} \mathbb{P}(\kappa=i|X={\bf x}) \hat{y_i}({\bf x}) \end{equation} which is the classical probability expression of mixture of experts. In this equation, :math:`K` is the number of Gaussian components, :math:`\mathbb{P}(\kappa=i|X= {\bf x})`, denoted by gating network, is the probability to lie in cluster :math:`i` knowing that :math:`X = {\bf x}` and :math:`\hat{y_i}` is the local expert built on cluster :math:`i`. This equation leads to two different approximation models depending on the computation of :math:`\mathbb{P}(\kappa=i|X={\bf x})`. * When choosing the Gaussian laws to compute this quantity, the equation leads to a *smooth model* that smoothly recombine different local experts. * If :math:`\mathbb{P}(\kappa=i|X= {\bf x})` is computed as characteristic functions of clusters (being equal to 0 or 1) this leads to a *discontinuous approximation model*. More details can be found in [3]_ and [4]_. References ---------- .. [1] Jerome Friedman, Trevor Hastie, and Robert Tibshirani. The elements of statistical learning, volume 1. Springer series in statistics Springer, Berlin, 2008. .. [2] Michael I Jordan and Robert A Jacobs. Hierarchical mixtures of experts and the em algorithm. Neural computation, 6(2) :181–214, 1994. .. [3] Dimitri Bettebghor, Nathalie Bartoli, Stephane Grihon, Joseph Morlier, and Manuel Samuelides. Surrogate modeling approximation using a mixture of experts based on EM joint estimation. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 43(2) :243–259, 2011. 10.1007/s00158-010-0554-2. .. [4] Rhea P. Liem, Charles A. Mader, and Joaquim R. R. A. Martins. Surrogate models and mixtures of experts in aerodynamic performance prediction for mission analysis. Aerospace Science and Technology, 43 :126–151, 2015. Implementation Notes -------------------- Beside the main class `MOE`, one can also use the `MOESurrogateModel` class which adapts MOE as a `SurrogateModel` implementing the Surrogate Model API (see :ref:`Surrogate Model API `). Usage ----- Example 1 ^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from smt.applications import MOE from smt.sampling_methods import FullFactorial nt = 35 def function_test_1d(x): import numpy as np # Note: only required by SMT doc testing toolchain x = np.reshape(x, (-1,)) y = np.zeros(x.shape) y[x < 0.4] = x[x < 0.4] ** 2 y[(x >= 0.4) & (x < 0.8)] = 3 * x[(x >= 0.4) & (x < 0.8)] + 1 y[x >= 0.8] = np.sin(10 * x[x >= 0.8]) return y.reshape((-1, 1)) x = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) ytrue = function_test_1d(x) # Training data sampling = FullFactorial(xlimits=np.array([[0, 1]]), clip=True) np.random.seed(0) xt = sampling(nt) yt = function_test_1d(xt) # Mixture of experts print("MOE Experts: ", MOE.AVAILABLE_EXPERTS) # MOE1: Find the best surrogate model on the whole domain moe1 = MOE(n_clusters=1) print("MOE1 enabled experts: ", moe1.enabled_experts) moe1.set_training_values(xt, yt) moe1.train() y_moe1 = moe1.predict_values(x) # MOE2: Set nb of cluster with just KRG, LS and IDW surrogate models moe2 = MOE(smooth_recombination=False, n_clusters=3, allow=["KRG", "LS", "IDW"]) print("MOE2 enabled experts: ", moe2.enabled_experts) moe2.set_training_values(xt, yt) moe2.train() y_moe2 = moe2.predict_values(x) fig, axs = plt.subplots(1) axs.plot(x, ytrue, ".", color="black") axs.plot(x, y_moe1) axs.plot(x, y_moe2) axs.set_xlabel("x") axs.set_ylabel("y") axs.legend(["Training data", "MOE 1 Prediction", "MOE 2 Prediction"]) plt.show() :: MOE Experts: ['KRG', 'KPLS', 'KPLSK', 'LS', 'QP', 'RBF', 'IDW', 'RMTB', 'RMTC'] MOE1 enabled experts: ['KRG', 'LS', 'QP', 'KPLS', 'KPLSK', 'RBF', 'RMTC', 'RMTB', 'IDW'] Kriging 0.9987630403561562 LS 2.0995727775991893 QP 2.3107220698461353 KPLS 0.9987630403561562 KPLSK 1.0012308930753486 RBF 0.7122162322056577 RMTC 0.4528283974573165 RMTB 0.3597578645031203 IDW 0.12658286305366004 Best expert = IDW MOE2 enabled experts: ['KRG', 'LS', 'IDW'] Kriging 6.043625599971847e-08 LS 0.0 IDW 0.001825019437627251 Best expert = LS Kriging 7.437040120341819e-07 LS 0.030866878506597206 IDW 0.00366740075240353 Best expert = Kriging Kriging 3.884161129508179e-06 LS 0.07309199964574886 IDW 0.06980900375922339 Best expert = Kriging .. figure:: moe_TestMOE_run_moe_example_1d.png :scale: 80 % :align: center Example 2 ^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from matplotlib import colors from smt.applications import MOE from smt.problems import LpNorm from smt.sampling_methods import FullFactorial ndim = 2 nt = 200 ne = 200 # Problem: L1 norm (dimension 2) prob = LpNorm(ndim=ndim) # Training data sampling = FullFactorial(xlimits=prob.xlimits, clip=True) np.random.seed(0) xt = sampling(nt) yt = prob(xt) # Mixture of experts print("MOE Experts: ", MOE.AVAILABLE_EXPERTS) moe = MOE(smooth_recombination=True, n_clusters=5, deny=["RMTB", "KPLSK"]) print("Enabled Experts: ", moe.enabled_experts) moe.set_training_values(xt, yt) moe.train() # Validation data np.random.seed(1) xe = sampling(ne) ye = prob(xe) # Prediction y = moe.predict_values(xe) fig = plt.figure(1) fig.set_size_inches(12, 11) # Cluster display colors_ = list(colors.cnames.items()) GMM = moe.cluster weight = GMM.weights_ prob_ = moe._proba_cluster(xt) sort = np.apply_along_axis(np.argmax, 1, prob_) xlim = prob.xlimits x0 = np.linspace(xlim[0, 0], xlim[0, 1], 20) x1 = np.linspace(xlim[1, 0], xlim[1, 1], 20) xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x0, x1) x = np.array(list(zip(xv.reshape((-1,)), yv.reshape((-1,))))) prob = moe._proba_cluster(x) plt.subplot(221, projection="3d") ax = plt.gca() for i in range(len(sort)): color = colors_[int(((len(colors_) - 1) / sort.max()) * sort[i])][0] ax.scatter(xt[i][0], xt[i][1], yt[i], c=color) plt.title("Clustered Samples") plt.subplot(222, projection="3d") ax = plt.gca() for i in range(len(weight)): color = colors_[int(((len(colors_) - 1) / len(weight)) * i)][0] ax.plot_trisurf( x[:, 0], x[:, 1], prob[:, i], alpha=0.4, linewidth=0, color=color ) plt.title("Membership Probabilities") plt.subplot(223) for i in range(len(weight)): color = colors_[int(((len(colors_) - 1) / len(weight)) * i)][0] plt.tricontour(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], prob[:, i], 1, colors=color, linewidths=3) plt.title("Cluster Map") plt.subplot(224) plt.plot(ye, ye, "-.") plt.plot(ye, y, ".") plt.xlabel("actual") plt.ylabel("prediction") plt.title("Predicted vs Actual") plt.show() :: MOE Experts: ['KRG', 'KPLS', 'KPLSK', 'LS', 'QP', 'RBF', 'IDW', 'RMTB', 'RMTC'] Enabled Experts: ['KRG', 'LS', 'QP', 'KPLS', 'RBF', 'RMTC', 'IDW'] Kriging 0.00015895631645361727 LS 0.10034642438446516 QP 0.016137577961415916 KPLS 0.00011789741082734461 RBF 0.00012095280757527556 RMTC 0.037425911363043046 IDW 0.10818152180292155 Best expert = KPLS Kriging 0.0022109748332404763 LS 0.04486521104672596 QP 0.01718686849165099 KPLS 1.0366603369491654 RBF 0.002702825043847581 RMTC 0.03608811487443848 IDW 0.251498569974773 Best expert = Kriging Kriging 0.0007803594230968192 LS 0.10048485269823051 QP 0.03288166570838189 KPLS 0.0007142319203370067 RBF 0.0008723440407746893 RMTC 0.02651638971374492 IDW 0.16722795244164632 Best expert = KPLS Kriging 0.0004650593462218761 LS 0.07157076020656872 QP 0.022178388510381553 KPLS 0.0004223677176430306 RBF 0.000898889422414607 RMTC 0.026044435114639785 IDW 0.2372951327651174 Best expert = KPLS Kriging 0.0027483622702309065 LS 0.2084314251325522 QP 0.048305669190244635 KPLS 0.0016596529522717078 RBF 0.0017776814331127986 RMTC 0.022686967022889047 IDW 0.2411367680083784 Best expert = KPLS .. figure:: moe_TestMOE_run_moe_example_2d.png :scale: 80 % :align: center Options ------- .. list-table:: List of options :header-rows: 1 :widths: 15, 10, 20, 20, 30 :stub-columns: 0 * - Option - Default - Acceptable values - Acceptable types - Description * - xt - None - None - ['ndarray'] - Training inputs * - yt - None - None - ['ndarray'] - Training outputs * - ct - None - None - ['ndarray'] - Training derivative outputs used for clustering * - xtest - None - None - ['ndarray'] - Test inputs * - ytest - None - None - ['ndarray'] - Test outputs * - ctest - None - None - ['ndarray'] - Derivatives test outputs used for clustering * - n_clusters - 2 - None - ['int'] - Number of clusters * - smooth_recombination - True - None - ['bool'] - Continuous cluster transition * - heaviside_optimization - False - None - ['bool'] - Optimize Heaviside scaling factor when smooth recombination is used * - derivatives_support - False - None - ['bool'] - Use only experts that support derivatives prediction * - variances_support - False - None - ['bool'] - Use only experts that support variance prediction * - allow - [] - None - None - Names of allowed experts to be possibly part of the mixture. Empty list corresponds to all surrogates allowed. * - deny - [] - None - None - Names of forbidden experts