Source code for smt.applications.podi

Author: Hugo Reimeringer <>

import scipy.optimize as opt
from sklearn.utils.extmath import randomized_svd
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import numpy as np

from smt.applications.application import SurrogateBasedApplication
from smt.surrogate_models import KPLS, KPLSK, KRG
from smt.utils.checks import ensure_2d_array

PODI_available_models = {
    "KRG": KRG,
    "KPLS": KPLS,

class SubspacesInterpolation:
    Class that computes an interpolation of POD bases.

    n_DoE : int
        Size of the DoE (Design of Experiments)
    n_mu : int
        dimension of the parametric space
    mu_train : np.ndarray[n_DoE, n_mu]
        Database of parameter values where the POD bases have been computed.
    n_DoF : int
        number of degree of freedom
    n_modes : int
        number of modes of the POD bases
    bases : np.ndarray[n_DoF, n_modes, n_DoE]
        Database of the POD bases to interpolate.
    print_global : bool
        Indicates if the indications plot (except the warnings) should be displayed.

    def __init__(
        self, DoE_mu, DoE_bases, print_global, snapshots=None, U_ref=None
    ) -> None:

        DoE_mu : np.ndarray[n_DoE, n_mu]
            Database of parameter values where the POD bases have been computed.
        DoE_bases : np.ndarray[n_DoF, n_modes, n_DoE]
            Database of the POD bases to interpolate.
        self.print_global = print_global
        self.mu_train = DoE_mu
        self.bases = DoE_bases
        self.n_DoE = DoE_mu.shape[0]
        self.n_mu = DoE_mu.shape[1]
        self.n_DoF = DoE_bases.shape[0]
        self.n_modes = DoE_bases.shape[1]
        self.snapshots = snapshots
        if self.snapshots is not None:
            self.n_t = self.snapshots.shape[1]
        self.U_ref = U_ref

    def exponential_mapping(self, Y0, Ti) -> np.ndarray:
        Function that computes the exponential mapping of the Grassmann manifold at point Y0.

        Y0 : np.ndarray[n_DoF, n_modes]
            A point on the Grassmann manifold Gr(n_DoF,n_modes).
        Ti : np.ndarray[n_DoF, n_modes]
            A vector in the tangent plane of Gr(n_DoF,n_modes) at Y0.

        Yi : np.ndarray [n_DoF,n_modes]
            A point on Gr(n_DoF,n_modes).
            The image of Ti by the exponential mapping at Y0. $$Yi=exp_{Y0}(Ti)$$
        u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(Ti, full_matrices=False)
        n_new = u.shape[0]
        n_real = u.shape[1]
        M = np.repeat(np.eye(u.shape[3])[:, :, np.newaxis], n_real, axis=2)
        M = np.repeat(M[:, :, :, np.newaxis], n_new, axis=3)
        coss = M * np.cos(s).T
        coss = np.transpose(coss, (3, 2, 0, 1))
        sins = M * np.sin(s).T
        sins = np.transpose(sins, (3, 2, 0, 1))
        vt = np.transpose(v, (0, 1, 3, 2))
        Yi = Y0 @ (vt @ coss) + u @ sins
        return Yi

    def logarithmic_mapping(self, Y0, Yi) -> np.ndarray:
        Function that computes the logarithmic mapping of the Grassmann manifold at point Y0.

        Y0: np.ndarray[n_DoF,n_modes]
            A point on the Grassmann manifold Gr(n_DoF,n_modes)
        Yi: np.ndarray[n_DoF,n_modes]
            A point on the Grassmann manifold Gr(n_DoF,n_modes)

        Ti: np.ndarray[n_DoF,n_modes]
            A vector on the tangent plane of Gr(n_DoF,n_modes) at Y0.
            The image of Yi by the logarithmic mapping at Y0. $$Ti=log_{Y0}(Yi)$$
        X = np.linalg.solve(, Yi), np.eye(Y0.shape[1]))
        M =, X) - Y0
        u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(M, full_matrices=False)
        arctans = np.eye(Y0.shape[1]) * np.arctan(s)
        Ti =,, v))
        return Ti

    def log_DoE(self, Y0) -> np.ndarray:
        Function that computes the logarithmic mapping of the DoE at a given point Y0.

        Y0: np.ndarray[n_DoF,n_modes]
            A point on the Grassmann manifold Gr(n_DoF,n_modes).

        T_train: np.ndarray[n_DoF,n_modes,n_DoE]
            n_DoE vectors on Gr(n_DoF,n_modes), images of the DoE by the logarithmic mapping at Y0
        T_train = np.zeros((self.n_DoF, self.n_modes, self.n_DoE))
        for i in range(self.n_DoE):
            T_train[:, :, i] = self.logarithmic_mapping(Y0, self.bases[:, :, i])
        return T_train

    def compute_Frechet_mean(
        self, P0, itermax=20, epsilon=1e-6, alpha_0=1e-3, optimal_step=True
        Function that computes the Frechet mean of the set DoE_bases.

        P0: np.ndarray[n_DoF,n_modes]
            Initial guess for the Frechet mean.
        iter_max: int, default = 20
            Maximum number of iterations in the gradient descend.
        epsilon: float, defaut = 1e-6
            Threshold for the stopping criterion.
        alpha_0: float,  default = 1e-3
            Initial guess for the step of the gradient descend algorithm.
        optimal_step: bool, default = True
            Use optimal step size.

        P_star: np.ndarray[n_DoF, n_modes]
            Computed Frechet mean
        it = 0
        cv = 1
        if optimal_step:
            # define the function that will be optimized to find the optimal step size
            def obj_fun_i(alpha, P_i, delta_P):
                Ti = alpha * delta_P
                P_i_temp = self.exponential_mapping(
                    P_i[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :], Ti[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :]
                delta_P_temp = self.log_DoE(P_i_temp[0, 0])
                delta_P_temp_norm = np.linalg.norm(delta_P_temp, axis=(0, 1)) ** 2
                return delta_P_temp_norm.sum()

        i = 0
        obj_fun = []
        while it < itermax and cv > epsilon:
            # compute the gradient
            delta_P = self.log_DoE(P0)
            obj_fun.append(np.linalg.norm(delta_P, axis=(0, 1)) ** 2)
            delta_P = delta_P.sum(axis=2)
            if optimal_step:
                res = opt.minimize(obj_fun_i, alpha_0, args=(P0, delta_P))
                step = res["x"]
                step = alpha_0

            delta_P = step * delta_P
            P_i = self.exponential_mapping(
                P0[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :], delta_P[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :]
            )[0, 0]
            if i > 0:
                cv = np.linalg.norm(obj_fun[i] - obj_fun[i - 1]) / np.linalg.norm(
            P0 = P_i
            i += 1
            it += 1
        P_star = P_i
        return P_star, obj_fun

    def compute_tangent_plane_basis_and_DoE_coordinates(
        self, Y0, epsilon=1e-3, compute_GP=True
        Function that computes a basis of a subspace of the tangent plane at Y0
        It is done from a set of vector that belong to this tangent plane,
        and the coefficients of the tangent vectors in this basis.

        Y0: np.ndarray[n_DoF,n_modes]
            A point on the Grassmann manifold Gr(n_DoF,n_modes).
        epsilon: float
            Truncation parameter, the basis is created by keeping the n_B first modes such that
            $$\frac{\\sum_i=1^{n_B} s_i}{\\sum_i=1^{n_DoE} s_i}>1-epsilon
        compute_GP: bool (default=True)
            Computes the GP approximation of each coefficient

        Basis: np.ndarray[n_DoF*n_modes,n_B]
            Basis of the subspace of the tangent plane of interest.
        alpha: np.ndarray[n_B,n_modes]
            Generalized coefficients of the tangent vectors in the new basis.
        Z_mean: np.ndarray[n_DoF*n_modes,]
            Mean value of the flatten tangent vectors.
        self.Y0 = Y0
        # compute the vectors on the tangent plane at Y0
        T_train = self.log_DoE(Y0)
        # flatten the tangent vectors
        Z = np.zeros((self.n_DoF * self.n_modes, self.n_DoE))
        for i in range(self.n_DoE):
            Z[:, i] = T_train[:, :, i].flatten()
        self.Z_mean = Z.mean(axis=1)
        Z_centered = (Z.T - self.Z_mean).T
        # svd of the Z matrix:

        u, s, _ = randomized_svd(Z_centered, n_components=self.n_DoE, random_state=0)
        # Information about the truncature
        self.n_B = np.argwhere(s.cumsum() / s.sum() >= 1 - epsilon)[0, 0] + 1
        if self.print_global:
                "The Grassmann manifold of interest is of dimension "
                + str((self.n_DoF - self.n_modes) * self.n_modes)
            print("The number of tangent vectors is " + str(self.n_DoE))

                "The dimension of the subspace of the tangent plane is " + str(self.n_B)
            if self.n_B == self.n_DoE:
                    "WARNING: the dimension of the tangent plane's subspace is equal to the DoE size."
                print("Consider increasing the DoE.")

        # truncature
        self.Basis = u[:, : self.n_B]

        # projection to get the coefficients in this basis
        self.alpha =, Z_centered)
        if compute_GP:
        return self.Basis, self.alpha, self.Z_mean

    def compute_GP(self, alpha, kernel="matern52") -> None:
        Function that computes the GP interpolation functions of each alpha coefficients.

        alpha: np.ndarray[n_B,n_modes]
            Set of generalized coefficients expressing the tangent vectors in a subspace of the tangent plane.
        kernel: str
            Choice of the kernel of the GPs see SMT documentation.
        self.GP = []
        n = self.n_B
        for i in range(n):
            gp = KRG(
                theta0=[1e-2] * self.n_mu,
            gp.set_training_values(self.mu_train, alpha[i, :])

    def pred_coeff(self, mu, compute_var=False):
        Function that interpolates the coefficients of the tangent vector at n_new parametric points mu.

        mu: np.ndarray[n_new,n_mu]
            Parametric points where the interpolation should be provided.
        compute_var: bool (default=False)
            Computes the variance of the interpolation.

        coeff: np.ndarray[n_B, n_new]
            Mean value of the prediction.
        var: np.ndarray[n_B, n_new]
            Variance of the prediction.
        n_new = mu.shape[0]
        n = self.n_B

        coeff = np.zeros((n, n_new))
        for i in range(n):
            coeff[i] = self.GP[i].predict_values(mu)[:, 0]
        if not (compute_var):
            return coeff
        elif compute_var:
            var = np.zeros((n, n_new))
            for i in range(n):
                var[i] = self.GP[i].predict_variances(mu)[:, 0]
            return coeff, var

    def interp_POD_basis(
        self, mu, compute_realizations=False, n_real=1, fixed_xi=False, xi=None
        Function that computes the interpolation of the POD basis at n_new parametric points mu.

        mu: np.ndarray[n_new,n_mu]
            Parametric points where the interpolation should be provided.
        realizations: bool (default=False)
            Compute n_real random realizations of the interpolation.
        n_real: float
            Number of random realizations.

        Basis: np.ndarray[n_mu, n_real, n_DoF, n_modes]
            POD basis at points mu.
        Basis_real: np.ndarray[n_mu, n_real, n_DoF, n_modes]
            Random POD bases at points mu.
        n_new = mu.shape[0]
        if not (compute_realizations):
            # compute the interpolation of the coefficients
            coeff = self.pred_coeff(mu)
            # compute the corresponding tangent vectors
            Zi =, coeff) + self.Z_mean[:, np.newaxis]
            # injectivity test to
            pca = PCA(svd_solver="randomized", random_state=42)
            singular_values = pca.singular_values_
            keep_injectivity = max(singular_values) < np.pi / 2
            if not (keep_injectivity):
                    "Warning : There is loss of injectivity for the interpolation of subspaces."
            # reshape to get the matrices
            Ti = Zi.reshape((self.n_DoF, self.n_modes, n_new, 1))
            # transpose to apply the SVD in exp map to each matrix
            Ti = np.transpose(Ti, (2, 3, 0, 1))
            ind = abs(Ti) < 1e-12
            Ti[ind] = 0.0
            # exponential mapping
            Yi = self.exponential_mapping(self.Y0, Ti)
            return Yi
        elif compute_realizations:
            if n_new != 1:
                    f"WARNING: Sample of size {n_real} at {n_new} points of a {self.n_DoF}*{self.n_modes} matrix"
                    f"Be sure to get sufficient memory for {n_real*n_new*self.n_DoF*self.n_modes} floats"
            # compute the interpolation of the coefficients and the associated variance
            coeff, var = self.pred_coeff(mu, compute_var=True)
            # get a normal random vector
            if not (fixed_xi):
                xi = np.random.normal(size=(len(coeff), n_real))
                xi = xi
            # we append a zeros vector so that the last realization is the MAP
            xi = np.concatenate((xi, np.zeros((len(coeff), 1))), axis=1)
            n_real = n_real + 1
            var_coeff = np.sqrt(var).T[:, :, np.newaxis] * xi
            coeff_MC = (coeff.T)[:, :, np.newaxis] + var_coeff
            # compute the tangent vector
            Zi =, coeff_MC) + self.Z_mean[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]

            # reshape to get the matrix
            Ti = Zi.reshape((self.n_DoF, self.n_modes, n_new, n_real))
            # transpose to apply the SVD in exp map to each matrix
            Ti = np.transpose(Ti, (2, 3, 0, 1))
            # exponential mapping
            Yi = self.exponential_mapping(self.Y0, Ti)
            return Yi[:, -1, :, :], Yi[:, :-1, :, :]

[docs] class PODI(SurrogateBasedApplication): """ Class for Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Interpolation (PODI) surrogate models based. Attributes ---------- pod_type : str Indicates which type of POD should be performed ('global' or 'local') nx : int Dimension of the inputs in the DoE; n_snapshot : int Number of snapshots in the database. ny : int Dimension of the vector associated to a snapshot database : np.ndarray[ny, n_snapshot] Database containing the vectorial snapshots. n_modes : int Number of kept modes during the POD. basis : np.ndarray[ny, n_modes] POD basis. EV_ratio : float Ratio of explained variance according to the kept modes during the POD (only for global POD). singular_vectors : np.ndarray Singular vectors of the POD (only for global POD). singular_values : np.ndarray Singular values of the POD (only for global POD). interp_coeff : list[SurrogateModel] List containing the surrogate models used during the interpolation. Examples -------- >>> from smt.applications import PODI >>> sm = PODI() """ name = "PODI" def _initialize(self) -> None: super(PODI, self)._initialize() self.available_models_name = [] for key in PODI_available_models.keys(): self.available_models_name.append(key) self.pod_type = None self.n_modes = None self.singular_vectors = None self.singular_values = None self.basis = None self.pod_computed = False self.interp_options_set = False self.training_values_set = False self.train_done = False self.interp_coeff = None @staticmethod def choice_n_modes_tol(EV_list: np.ndarray, tol: float) -> int: """ Static method calculating the required number of kept modes to explain at least the intended ratio of variance. Parameters ---------- EV_list : np.ndarray List of the explained variance of each mode in the POD. tol : float Desired tolerance for the POD. It is expected to be in ]0, 1]. Returns ------- n_modes : int Kept modes according to the tolerance. """ sum_tot = sum(EV_list) sum_ = 0 for i, ev in enumerate(EV_list): sum_ += ev EV_ratio = sum_ / sum_tot if EV_ratio >= tol: return i + 1 return len(EV_list) @staticmethod def interp_subspaces( xt1, input_matrices, xn1, print_global=True, ref_index=0, frechet=False, frechet_guess=None, compute_realizations=False, n_realizations=1, ) -> list: """ Static method computing the interpolation of subspaces. Parameters ---------- xt1 : np.ndarray[nt1, dim] The input scalar values corresponding to each local bases. dim = dimension of parametric space for local bases input_bases : list[np.ndarray[ny, n_modes]] List containing the local bases for the subspaces' interpolation. Each matrix is associated to a scalar value from xt1. xn1 : np.ndarray[nn, dim] The scalar values at which we want to compute a local basis. dim = dimension of parametric space for local bases ref_index : int Index of the local base from 'input_matrices' we want to use as the reference point. Default value is 0. (Only if frechet set to False) frechet : bool Indicates if the frechet's mean should be computed. frechet_guess : np.ndarray[ny, n_modes] Initial guess for the frechet's mean. Default value is the fisrt local basis of 'input_matrices'. (Only if frechet set to True) compute_realizations : bool Indicates if some realizations of random POD bases should be computed. n_realizations : int In case compute_realizations is set to True, indicates the number of realizations that should be computed. Returns ------- bases : list[np.ndarray[ny, n_modes]] List of the output bases at each desired value of xn1. bases_realizations : list[list[np.ndarray[ny, n_modes]]] List of realizations of the output bases. (Random POD bases) Returned only if compute_realizations is set to True. The list contain for each value of xn1 a list of the associated realizations. Examples -------- #normal case >>> bases = PODI.interp_subspaces(xt1=xt1, input_bases=matrices, xn1=xn1) #use of frechet >>> bases = PODI.interp_subspaces( xt1=xt1, input_bases=matrices, xn1=xn1, frechet=True, frechet_guess=frechet_matrix ) """ nt1 = xt1.shape[0] n_bases = len(input_matrices) if nt1 != n_bases: raise ValueError( f"the xt1 rows should correspond to each basis, there are {nt1} xt1 rows, but {n_bases} input bases." ) nn = xn1.shape[0] ny, n_modes = input_matrices[0].shape DoE_bases = np.zeros((ny, n_modes, n_bases)) ########vérifier qu'en sortie matrice bonnes dimensions, pareil pour réalisations first_dim = input_matrices[0].shape for i, basis in enumerate(input_matrices): if basis.shape != first_dim: raise ValueError("The input matrices should have the same dimensions.") DoE_bases[:, :, i] = basis interp = SubspacesInterpolation( DoE_mu=xt1, DoE_bases=DoE_bases, print_global=print_global ) if frechet: if frechet_guess is not None: P0 = frechet_guess else: P0 = input_matrices[0] Y0_frechet, _ = interp.compute_Frechet_mean(P0=P0) Y0 = Y0_frechet else: Y0 = input_matrices[ref_index] interp.compute_tangent_plane_basis_and_DoE_coordinates(Y0=Y0) if compute_realizations: Yi_full, Yi_full2 = interp.interp_POD_basis( xn1, compute_realizations=True, n_real=n_realizations, ) yi = Yi_full interpolated_bases = [] yi_real = [] for real in range(Yi_full2.shape[1]): yi_real.append(Yi_full2[:, real, :, :]) interpolated_bases_real = [] for i in range(nn): interpolated_basis = yi[i, :, :] interpolated_bases.append(interpolated_basis) realizations_i = [] for j in range(n_realizations): realization_j_of_i = yi_real[j][i, :, :] realizations_i.append(realization_j_of_i) interpolated_bases_real.append(realizations_i) return interpolated_bases, interpolated_bases_real else: Yi_full = interp.interp_POD_basis(xn1, compute_realizations=False) yi = Yi_full[:, 0, :, :] interpolated_bases = [] for i in range(nn): interpolated_basis = yi[i, :, :] interpolated_bases.append(interpolated_basis) return interpolated_bases def compute_global_pod( self, tol: float = None, n_modes: int = None, seed: int = None, ) -> None: """ Performs the global POD. Parameters ---------- tol : float Desired tolerance for the pod (if n_modes not set). n_modes : int Desired number of kept modes for the pod (if tol not set). seed : int seed number which controls random draws for internal optim. (optional) """ choice_svd = None svd = PCA(svd_solver="randomized", random_state=seed) if n_modes is not None: self.n_modes = n_modes choice_svd = "mode" if tol is not None: if choice_svd is not None: raise ValueError( "pod can't use both arguments 'n_modes' and 'tol' at the same time" ) else: choice_svd = "tol" if choice_svd is None: raise ValueError( "pod needs atleast one of the arguments 'n_modes' or 'tol'" ) self.singular_vectors = svd.components_.T self.singular_values = svd.singular_values_ EV_list = svd.explained_variance_ if choice_svd == "tol": self.n_modes = PODI.choice_n_modes_tol(EV_list, tol) else: if n_modes > self.n_snapshot: raise ValueError( "the number of kept modes can't be superior to the number of data values (snapshots)" ) self.EV_ratio = sum(EV_list[: self.n_modes]) / sum(EV_list) self.EV_list = EV_list self.basis = self.singular_vectors[:, : self.n_modes] def compute_pod( self, database: np.ndarray, pod_type: str = "global", tol: float = None, n_modes: int = None, seed: int = None, local_basis: np.ndarray = None, ) -> None: """ Performs the POD (global or local). Parameters ---------- database : np.ndarray[ny, n_snapshot] Snapshot matrix. Each column corresponds to a snapshot. pod_type : str Name of the pod type that should be performed : 'global' or 'local'. Default value is 'global'. tol : float Desired tolerance for the pod (if n_modes not set). Only for global POD, pod_type set to 'global'. n_modes : int Desired number of kept modes for the pod (if tol not set). Only for global POD, pod_type set to 'global'. seed : int Seed number which controls random draws for internal optim. (optional) Only for global POD, pod_type set to 'global'. local_basis : np.ndarray[ny, n_modes] Local basis used for the local POD. Examples -------- #global POD >>> sm.compute_pod(database, pod_type = 'global', tol = 0.99) #local POD >>> sm.compute_pod(database, pod_type = 'local', local_basis = basis) """ self.database = ensure_2d_array(database, "database") self.n_snapshot = database.shape[1] self.ny = database.shape[0] self.mean = np.atleast_2d(database.mean(axis=1)).T if pod_type == "global": self.compute_global_pod(tol=tol, n_modes=n_modes, seed=seed) elif pod_type == "local": if local_basis is None: raise ValueError("'local_basis' should be specified") self.n_modes = local_basis.shape[1] ny = local_basis.shape[0] if ny != self.ny: raise ValueError( f"the first dimension of the database and the local basis must be the same, {ny} != {self.ny}." ) self.basis = local_basis else: raise ValueError( f"the pod type should be 'global' or 'local', not {pod_type}." ) self.coeff = - self.mean.T, self.basis) self.pod_type = pod_type self.pod_computed = True self.interp_options_set = False @staticmethod def compute_pod_errors( xt: np.ndarray, database: np.ndarray, interp_type: str = "KRG", interp_options: list = [{}], ) -> list: """ Calculates different errors for the POD. Parameters ---------- xt : np.ndarray[n_snapshot, nx] The input values for the n_snapshot training points. database : np.ndarray[ny, n_snapshot] Snapshot matrix. Each column corresponds to a snapshot. interp_type : str Name of the type of surrogate model that will be used for the whole set. By default, the Kriging model is used (KRG). interp_options : list[dict] List containing dictionnaries for the options. The k-th dictionnary corresponds to the options of the k-th interpolation model. If the options are common to all surogate models, only a single dictionnary is required in the list. The available options can be found in the documentation of the corresponding surrogate models. By default, the print_global options are set to 'False'. Returns ------- error_list : list[float] List of 3 POD errors : projection error, interpolation error and total error (projection and interpolation). """ xt = ensure_2d_array(xt, "xt") nt = xt.shape[0] n_snapshot = database.shape[1] if nt != n_snapshot: raise ValueError( f"there must be the same amount of train values than data values, {nt} != {n_snapshot}." ) max_interp_error = 0 max_proj_error = 0 max_total_error = 0 for n in range(n_snapshot): reduced_database = np.concatenate( (database[:, :n], database[:, n + 1 :]), axis=1 ) reduced_xt = np.concatenate((xt[:n], xt[n + 1 :])) single_snapshot = np.atleast_2d(database[:, n]).T single_xt = np.atleast_2d(xt[n]) podi = PODI() podi.compute_pod( database=reduced_database, n_modes=min(reduced_database.shape) ) reduced_mean = np.atleast_2d(reduced_database.mean(axis=1)).T reduced_basis = podi.get_singular_vectors() n_modes = podi.get_n_modes() true_coeff = np.atleast_2d( - reduced_mean.T, reduced_basis) ).T recomposed = reduced_mean + proj_error = recomposed - single_snapshot rms_proj_error = np.sqrt(np.mean(proj_error**2)) max_proj_error = max(max_proj_error, rms_proj_error) podi.set_interp_options( interp_type=interp_type, interp_options=interp_options ) podi.set_training_values(xt=reduced_xt) podi.train() reduced_interp_coeff = podi.get_interp_coeff() mean_coeff_interp = np.zeros((n_modes, 1)) for i, coeff in enumerate(reduced_interp_coeff): mu_i = coeff.predict_values(single_xt) mean_coeff_interp[i] = mu_i[:, 0] interp_error = mean_coeff_interp - true_coeff rms_interp_error = np.sqrt(np.mean(interp_error**2)) max_interp_error = max(max_interp_error, rms_interp_error) recomposed = reduced_mean + total_error = recomposed - single_snapshot rms_total_error = np.sqrt(np.mean(total_error**2)) max_total_error = max(max_total_error, rms_total_error) return [max_interp_error, max_proj_error, max_total_error]
[docs] def get_singular_vectors(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Getter for the singular vectors of the global POD. It represents the directions of maximum variance in the data. Returns ------- singular_vectors : np.ndarray Singular vectors of the global POD. """ return self.singular_vectors
[docs] def get_basis(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Getter for the basis used for the POD. Returns ------- basis : np.ndarray Basis of the POD. """ return self.basis
[docs] def get_singular_values(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Getter for the singular values from the Sigma matrix of the POD. Returns ------- singular_values : np.ndarray Singular values of the POD. """ return self.singular_values
def get_ev_list(self) -> float: """ Getter for the explained variance list. Returns ------- EV_ratio : float Explained variance ratio with the current kept modes. """ return self.EV_list
[docs] def get_ev_ratio(self) -> float: """ Getter for the explained variance ratio with the kept modes. Returns ------- EV_ratio : float Explained variance ratio with the current kept modes. """ return self.EV_ratio
[docs] def get_n_modes(self) -> int: """ Getter for the number of modes kept during the POD. Returns ------- n_modes : int number of modes kept during the POD. """ return self.n_modes
[docs] def set_interp_options( self, interp_type: str = "KRG", interp_options: list = [{}] ) -> None: """ Set the options for the interpolation surrogate models used. Only required if a model different than KRG is used or if non-default options are desired for the models. Parameters ---------- interp_type : str Name of the type of surrogate model that will be used for the whole set. By default, the Kriging model is used (KRG). interp_options : list[dict] List containing dictionnaries for the options. The k-th dictionnary corresponds to the options of the k-th interpolation model. If the options are common to all surogate models, only a single dictionnary is required in the list. The available options can be found in the documentation of the corresponding surrogate models. By default, the print_global options are set to 'False'. Examples -------- >>> interp_type = "KRG" >>> dict1 = {'corr' : 'matern52', 'theta0' : [1e-2]} >>> dict2 = {'poly' : 'quadratic'} >>> interp_options = [dict1, dict2] >>> sm.set_interp_options(interp_type, interp_options) """ if not self.pod_computed: raise RuntimeError( "'compute_pod' method must have been succesfully executed before trying to set the models options." ) if interp_type not in PODI_available_models.keys(): raise ValueError( f"the surrogate model type should be one of the following : {', '.join(self.available_models_name)}" ) if len(interp_options) == self.n_modes: mode_options = "local" elif len(interp_options) == 1: mode_options = "global" else: raise ValueError( f"expected interp_options of size {self.n_modes} or 1, but got {len(interp_options)}." ) self.interp_coeff = [] for i in range(self.n_modes): if mode_options == "local": index = i elif mode_options == "global": index = 0 sm_i = PODI_available_models[interp_type](print_global=False) for key in interp_options[index].keys(): sm_i.options[key] = interp_options[index][key] self.interp_coeff.append(sm_i) self.interp_options_set = True
[docs] def set_training_values(self, xt: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Set training data (values). If the models' options are still not set, default values are used for the initialization. Parameters ---------- xt : np.ndarray[n_snapshot, nx] The input values for the n_snapshot training points. """ xt = ensure_2d_array(xt, "xt") if not self.pod_computed: raise RuntimeError( "'compute_pod' method must have been succesfully executed before trying to set the training values." ) if not self.interp_options_set: self.interp_coeff = [] for i in range(self.n_modes): sm_i = PODI_available_models["KRG"](print_global=False) self.interp_coeff.append(sm_i) self.interp_options_set = True nt = xt.shape[0] self.nx = xt.shape[1] if nt != self.n_snapshot: raise ValueError( f"there must be the same amount of train values than snapshots, {nt} != {self.n_snapshot}." ) for i in range(self.n_modes): self.interp_coeff[i].set_training_values(xt, self.coeff[:, i]) self.training_values_set = True
[docs] def train(self) -> None: """ Performs the training of the model. """ if not self.pod_computed: raise RuntimeError( "'compute_pod' method must have been succesfully executed before trying to train the models." ) if not self.training_values_set: raise RuntimeError( "the training values should have been set before trying to train the models." ) for interp_coeff in self.interp_coeff: interp_coeff.train() self.train_done = True
[docs] def get_interp_coeff(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Getter for the list of the interpolation surrogate models used Returns ------- interp_coeff : np.ndarray[n_modes] List of the kriging models used for the POD coefficients. """ return self.interp_coeff
[docs] def predict_values(self, xn) -> np.ndarray: """ Predict the output values at a set of points. Parameters ---------- xn : np.ndarray[n_new, nx] Input values for the prediction points. Returns ------- yn : np.ndarray[n_new, nx] Output values at the prediction points. """ if not self.train_done: raise RuntimeError( "the model should have been trained before trying to make a prediction." ) xn = ensure_2d_array(xn, "xn") dim_new = xn.shape[1] if dim_new != self.nx: raise ValueError( f"the data values and the new values must be the same size, here {dim_new} != {self.nx}" ) self.n_new = xn.shape[0] mean_coeff_interp = np.zeros((self.n_modes, self.n_new)) for i in range(self.n_modes): mu_i = self.interp_coeff[i].predict_values(xn) mean_coeff_interp[i] = mu_i[:, 0] y = self.mean +, mean_coeff_interp) return y
[docs] def predict_variances(self, xn) -> np.ndarray: """ Predict the variances at a set of points. Parameters ---------- xn : np.ndarray[n_new, nx] Input values for the prediction points. Returns ------- s2 : np.ndarray[ny, n_new] Variances. """ if not self.train_done: raise RuntimeError( "the model should have been trained before trying to make a prediction" ) xn = ensure_2d_array(xn, "xn") dim_new = xn.shape[1] if dim_new != self.nx: raise ValueError( f"the data values and the new values must be the same size, here {dim_new} != {self.nx}" ) self.n_new = xn.shape[0] var_coeff_interp = np.zeros((self.n_modes, self.n_new)) for i in range(self.n_modes): sigma_i_square = self.interp_coeff[i].predict_variances(xn) var_coeff_interp[i] = sigma_i_square[:, 0] s2 =**2), var_coeff_interp) return s2
[docs] def predict_derivatives(self, xn, kx) -> np.ndarray: """ Predict the dy_dx derivatives at a set of points. Parameters ---------- xn : np.ndarray[n_new, nx] Input values for the prediction points. kx : int The 0-based index of the input variable with respect to which derivative is desired. Returns ------- dy_dx : np.ndarray[ny, n_new] Derivatives. """ d = kx if not self.train_done: raise RuntimeError( "the model should have been trained before trying to make a prediction" ) xn = ensure_2d_array(xn, "xn") dim_new = xn.shape[1] if d >= dim_new: raise ValueError( "the desired derivative kx should correspond to a dimension of the data, here kx is out of bounds." ) if dim_new != self.nx: raise ValueError( f"the data values and the new values must be the same size, here {dim_new} != {self.nx}" ) self.n_new = xn.shape[0] deriv_coeff_interp = np.zeros((self.n_modes, self.n_new)) for i in range(self.n_modes): deriv_coeff_interp[i] = self.interp_coeff[i].predict_derivatives(xn, d)[ :, 0 ] dy_dx =, deriv_coeff_interp) return dy_dx
def predict_variance_derivatives(self, xn, kx) -> np.ndarray: """ Predict the derivatives of the variances at a set of points. Parameters ---------- xn : np.ndarray[n_new, nx] Input values for the prediction points. kx : int The 0-based index of the input variable with respect to which derivative is desired. Returns ------- dv_dx : np.ndarray[ny, n_new] Derivatives of the variances. """ d = kx if not self.train_done: raise RuntimeError( "the model should have been trained before trying to make a prediction" ) xn = ensure_2d_array(xn, "xn") dim_new = xn.shape[1] if d >= dim_new: raise ValueError( "the desired derivative kx should correspond to a dimension of the data, here kx is out of bounds." ) if dim_new != self.nx: raise ValueError( f"the data values and the new values must be the same size, here {dim_new} != {self.nx}" ) self.n_new = xn.shape[0] deriv_coeff_interp = np.zeros((self.n_modes, self.n_new)) for i in range(self.n_modes): deriv_coeff_interp[i] = self.interp_coeff[i].predict_variance_derivatives( xn, d )[:, 0] dv_dx =, deriv_coeff_interp) return dv_dx