Variable-fidelity modeling (VFM) ================================ VFM is a variable-fidelity modeling method which can use additive, multiplicative, or hybride bridge functions. SMT proposes only additive and multiplicative options. In the additive method, high- and low-fidelity models, :math:`y_{\text{high}}({\bf x})` and :math:`y_{\text{low}}({\bf x})`, are calibrated by adding the low-fidelity model to a function :math:`\gamma({\bf x})`, also called bridge function .. math :: y_\text{high}({\bf x})=y_\text{low}({\bf x}) + \gamma({\bf x}) The additive bridge function was developed by Lewis and Nash [1]_. In the same way, the multiplicative bridge function is defined by .. math :: \gamma({\bf x})=\frac{y_\text{high}({\bf x})}{y_\text{low}({\bf x})} However, the multiplicative bridge function may cause problems when one of the sampled values of the low-fidelity model is close to zero. After the unknown bridge function :math:`\gamma` and low-fidelity model :math:`y_\text{low}` have been approximated with :math:`\hat{\gamma}` and :math:`\hat{y}_\text{low}`, respectively, the response of the high-fidelity model is obtained .. [1] Lewis, R. M. and Nash, S. G., A multigrid approach to the optimization of systems governed by differential equations. AIAA Paper 2000-4890, 2000. Usage ----- .. code-block:: python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from smt.problems import WaterFlowLFidelity, WaterFlow from smt.sampling_methods import LHS from smt.applications import VFM # Problem set up ndim = 8 ntest = 500 ndoeLF = int(10 * ndim) ndoeHF = int(3) funLF = WaterFlowLFidelity(ndim=ndim) funHF = WaterFlow(ndim=ndim) deriv1 = True deriv2 = True LF_candidate = "QP" Bridge_candidate = "KRG" type_bridge = "Multiplicative" optionsLF = {} optionsB = { "theta0": [1e-2] * ndim, "print_prediction": False, "deriv": False, "hyper_opt": "Cobyla", } # Construct low/high fidelity data and validation points sampling = LHS(xlimits=funLF.xlimits, criterion="m") xLF = sampling(ndoeLF) yLF = funLF(xLF) if deriv1: dy_LF = np.zeros((ndoeLF, 1)) for i in range(ndim): yd = funLF(xLF, kx=i) dy_LF = np.concatenate((dy_LF, yd), axis=1) sampling = LHS(xlimits=funHF.xlimits, criterion="m") xHF = sampling(ndoeHF) yHF = funHF(xHF) if deriv2: dy_HF = np.zeros((ndoeHF, 1)) for i in range(ndim): yd = funHF(xHF, kx=i) dy_HF = np.concatenate((dy_HF, yd), axis=1) xtest = sampling(ntest) ytest = funHF(xtest) dytest = np.zeros((ntest, ndim)) for i in range(ndim): dytest[:, i] = funHF(xtest, kx=i).T # Initialize the extension VFM M = VFM( type_bridge=type_bridge, name_model_LF=LF_candidate, name_model_bridge=Bridge_candidate, X_LF=xLF, y_LF=yLF, X_HF=xHF, y_HF=yHF, options_LF=optionsLF, options_bridge=optionsB, dy_LF=dy_LF, dy_HF=dy_HF, ) # Prediction of the validation points y = M.predict_values(x=xtest) plt.figure() plt.plot(ytest, ytest, "-.") plt.plot(ytest, y, ".") plt.xlabel(r"$y$ True") plt.ylabel(r"$y$ prediction") :: ___________________________________________________________________________ Kriging ___________________________________________________________________________ Problem size # training points. : 3 ___________________________________________________________________________ Training Training ... Training - done. Time (sec): 0.1210840 .. figure:: vfm_TestVFM_run_vfm_example.png :scale: 80 % :align: center Options ------- .. list-table:: List of options :header-rows: 1 :widths: 15, 10, 20, 20, 30 :stub-columns: 0 * - Option - Default - Acceptable values - Acceptable types - Description * - name_model_LF - None - ['KRG', 'LS', 'QP', 'KPLS', 'KPLSK', 'GEKPLS', 'RBF', 'RMTC', 'RMTB', 'IDW'] - ['object'] - Name of the low-fidelity model * - options_LF - {} - None - ['dict'] - Options for the low-fidelity model * - name_model_bridge - None - ['KRG', 'LS', 'QP', 'KPLS', 'KPLSK', 'GEKPLS', 'RBF', 'RMTC', 'RMTB', 'IDW'] - ['object'] - Name of the bridge model * - options_bridge - {} - None - ['dict'] - Options for the bridge model * - type_bridge - Additive - ['Additive', 'Multiplicative'] - ['str'] - Bridge function type * - X_LF - None - None - ['ndarray'] - Low-fidelity inputs * - y_LF - None - None - ['ndarray'] - Low-fidelity output * - X_HF - None - None - ['ndarray'] - High-fidelity inputs * - y_HF - None - None - ['ndarray'] - High-fidelity output * - dy_LF - None - None - ['ndarray'] - Low-fidelity derivatives * - dy_HF - None - None - ['ndarray'] - High-fidelity derivatives