Sparse Gaussian Process (SGP) ============================= Although the versatility of Gaussian Process regression models for learning complex data, their computational complexity, which is :math:`\mathcal{O}(N^3)` with :math:`N` the number of training points, prevent their use to large datasets. This complexity results from the inversion of the covariance matrix :math:`\mathbf{K}`. We must also highlight that the memory cost of GPR models is :math:`\mathcal{O}(N^2)`, mainly due to the storage of the covariance matrix itself. To address these limitations, sparse GPs approximation methods have emerged as efficient alternatives. Sparse GPs consider a set of inducing points to approximate the posterior Gaussian distribution with a low-rank representation, while the variational inference provides a framework for approximating the posterior distribution directly. Thus, these methods enable accurate modeling of large datasets while preserving computational efficiency (typically :math:`\mathcal{O}(NM^2)` time and :math:`\mathcal{O}(NM)` memory for some chosen :math:`M, , , , ] - None - The kernel to use for categorical inputs. Only for non continuous Kriging * - hierarchical_kernel - MixHrcKernelType.ALG_KERNEL - [, ] - None - The kernel to use for mixed hierarchical inputs. Only for non continuous Kriging * - nugget - 2.220446049250313e-13 - None - ['float'] - a jitter for numerical stability * - theta0 - [0.01] - None - ['list', 'ndarray'] - Initial hyperparameters * - theta_bounds - [1e-06, 100.0] - None - ['list', 'ndarray'] - bounds for hyperparameters * - hyper_opt - Cobyla - ['Cobyla'] - ['str'] - Optimiser for hyperparameters optimisation * - eval_noise - True - [True, False] - ['bool'] - Noise is always evaluated * - noise0 - [0.01] - None - ['list', 'ndarray'] - Gaussian noise on observed training data * - noise_bounds - [2.220446049250313e-14, 10000000000.0] - None - ['list', 'ndarray'] - bounds for noise hyperparameters * - use_het_noise - False - [True, False] - ['bool'] - heteroscedastic noise evaluation flag * - n_start - 10 - None - ['int'] - number of optimizer runs (multistart method) * - xlimits - None - None - ['list', 'ndarray'] - definition of a design space of float (continuous) variables: array-like of size nx x 2 (lower, upper bounds) * - design_space - None - None - ['BaseDesignSpace', 'list', 'ndarray'] - definition of the (hierarchical) design space: use `smt.utils.design_space.DesignSpace` as the main API. Also accepts list of float variable bounds * - random_state - 41 - None - ['NoneType', 'int', 'RandomState'] - Numpy RandomState object or seed number which controls random draws for internal optim (set by default to get reproductibility) * - method - FITC - ['FITC', 'VFE'] - ['str'] - Method used by sparse GP model * - n_inducing - 10 - None - ['int'] - Number of inducing inputs