Mixed-Integer Sampling and Surrogate (Continuous Relaxation)

SMT provides the mixed_integer module to adapt existing surrogates to deal with categorical (or enumerate) and ordered variables using continuous relaxation. For ordered variables, the values are rounded to the nearest values from a provided list. If, instead, bounds are provided, the list will consist of all integers between those bounds. For enum variables, as many x features as enumerated levels are created with [0, 1] bounds and the max of these feature float values will correspond to the choice of one the enum value.

For instance, for a categorical variable (one feature of x) with three levels [“blue”, “red”, “green”], 3 continuous float features x0, x1, x2 are created, the max(x0, x1, x2), let say x1, will give “red” as the value for the original categorical feature.

The user specifies x feature types through a list of types to be either:

  • FLOAT: a continuous feature,

  • ORD: an ordered valued feature,

  • or a tuple (ENUM, n) where n is the number of levels of the catagorical feature (i.e. an enumerate with n values)

In the case of mixed integer sampling, bounds of each x feature have to be adapted to take into account feature types. While FLOAT and INT feature still have an interval [lower bound, upper bound], the ENUM features bounds is defined by giving the enumeration/list of possible values (levels).

For instance, if we have the following xtypes: [FLOAT, ORD, (ENUM, 2), (ENUM, 3)], a compatible xlimits could be [[0., 4], [-10, 10], ["blue", "red"], ["short", "medium", "long"]]

Mixed-Integer Surrogate with Gower Distance

Another implemented method is using a basic mixed integer kernel based on the Gower distance between two points. When constructing the correlation kernel, the distance is redefined as \(\Delta= \Delta_{cont} + \Delta_{cat}\), with \(\Delta_{cont}\) the continuous distance as usual and \(\Delta_ {cat}\) the categorical distance defined as the number of categorical variables that differs from one point to another.

For example, the Gower Distance between [1,'red', 'medium'] and [1.2,'red', 'large'] is \(\Delta= 0.2+ (0\) 'red' \(=\) 'red' \(+ 1\) 'medium' \(\neq\) 'large' ) \(=1.2\)

Example of mixed-integer Gower Distance model

from smt.applications.mixed_integer import (
from smt.surrogate_models import KRG
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

xt = np.array([0, 2, 4])
yt = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 1.5])

xlimits = [["0.0", "1.0", " 2.0", "3.0", "4.0"]]

# Surrogate
sm = MixedIntegerSurrogateModel(
    xtypes=[(ENUM, 5)],
sm.set_training_values(xt, yt)

# DOE for validation
x = np.linspace(0, 4, 5)
y = sm.predict_values(x)

plt.plot(xt, yt, "o", label="data")
plt.plot(x, y, "d", color="red", markersize=3, label="pred")


      # eval points. : 5

   Predicting ...
   Predicting - done. Time (sec):  0.0000000

   Prediction time/pt. (sec) :  0.0000000

Mixed integer sampling method

To use a sampling method with mixed integer typed features, the user instanciates a MixedIntegerSamplingMethod with a given sampling method. The MixedIntegerSamplingMethod implements the SamplingMethod interface and decorates the original sampling method to provide a DOE while conforming to integer and categorical types.

Example of mixed-integer LHS sampling method

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors

from smt.sampling_methods import LHS
from smt.applications.mixed_integer import (

xtypes = [FLOAT, (ENUM, 2)]
xlimits = [[0.0, 4.0], ["blue", "red"]]
sampling = MixedIntegerSamplingMethod(xtypes, xlimits, LHS, criterion="ese")

num = 40
x = sampling(num)

cmap = colors.ListedColormap(xlimits[1])
plt.scatter(x[:, 0], np.zeros(num), c=x[:, 1], cmap=cmap)

Mixed integer surrogate

To use a surrogate with mixed integer constraints, the user instanciates a MixedIntegerSurrogateModel with the given surrogate. The MixedIntegerSurrogateModel implements the SurrogateModel interface and decorates the given surrogate while respecting integer and categorical types.

Example of mixed-integer Polynomial (QP) surrogate

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from smt.surrogate_models import QP
from smt.applications.mixed_integer import MixedIntegerSurrogateModel, ORD

xt = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0])
yt = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 0.5, 1.0])

# xtypes = [FLOAT, ORD, (ENUM, 3), (ENUM, 2)]
# FLOAT means x1 continuous
# ORD means x2 ordered
# (ENUM, 3) means x3, x4 & x5 are 3 levels of the same categorical variable
# (ENUM, 2) means x6 & x7 are 2 levels of the same categorical variable

sm = MixedIntegerSurrogateModel(xtypes=[ORD], xlimits=[[0, 4]], surrogate=QP())
sm.set_training_values(xt, yt)

num = 100
x = np.linspace(0.0, 4.0, num)
y = sm.predict_values(x)

plt.plot(xt, yt, "o")
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.legend(["Training data", "Prediction"])


      # eval points. : 100

   Predicting ...
   Predicting - done. Time (sec):  0.0000000

   Prediction time/pt. (sec) :  0.0000000

Mixed integer context

the MixedIntegerContext class helps the user to use mixed integer sampling methods and surrogate models consistently by acting as a factory for those objects given a x specification: (xtypes, xlimits).

class smt.applications.mixed_integer.MixedIntegerContext(xtypes, xlimits, work_in_folded_space=True, categorical_kernel=None)[source]

Class which acts as sampling method and surrogate model factory to handle integer and categorical variables consistently.


build_sampling_method(sampling_method_class, ...)

Build MixedIntegerSamplingMethod from given SMT sampling method.


Build MixedIntegerSurrogateModel from given SMT surrogate model.


Project continuously relaxed values to their closer assessable values.

cast_to_enum_value(x_col, enum_indexes)

Return enumerate levels from indexes for the given x feature specified by x_col.


Convert an x point with enum indexes to x point with enum levels


Reduce categorical inputs from discrete unfolded space to initial x dimension space where categorical x dimensions are valued by the index in the corresponding enumerate list.


Returns x dimension (int) taking into account unfolded categorical features


Returns relaxed xlimits Each level of an enumerate gives a new continuous dimension in [0, 1].


Expand categorical inputs from initial x dimension space where categorical x dimensions are valued by the index in the corresponding enumerate list to the discrete unfolded space.

__init__(xtypes, xlimits, work_in_folded_space=True, categorical_kernel=None)[source]
xtypes: x types list

x type specification: list of either FLOAT, ORD or (ENUM, n) spec.

xlimits: array-like

bounds of x features

work_in_folded_space: bool

whether x data are in given in folded space (enum indexes) or not (enum masks)

categorical_kernel: string

the kernel to use for categorical inputs. Only for non continuous Kriging.

build_sampling_method(sampling_method_class, **kwargs)[source]

Build MixedIntegerSamplingMethod from given SMT sampling method.


Build MixedIntegerSurrogateModel from given SMT surrogate model.


Project continuously relaxed values to their closer assessable values. Note: categorical (or enum) x dimensions are still expanded that is there are still as many columns as categorical possible values for the given x dimension. For instance, if an input dimension is typed [“blue”, “red”, “green”] in xlimits a sample/row of the input x may contain the values (or mask) […, 0, 0, 1, …] to specify “green” for this original dimension.

xnp.ndarray [n_evals, dim]

continuous evaluation point input variable values


feasible evaluation point value in categorical space.


Reduce categorical inputs from discrete unfolded space to initial x dimension space where categorical x dimensions are valued by the index in the corresponding enumerate list. For instance, if an input dimension is typed [“blue”, “red”, “green”] a sample/row of the input x may contain the mask […, 0, 0, 1, …] which will be contracted in […, 2, …] meaning the “green” value. This function is the opposite of unfold_with_enum_mask().

x: np.ndarray [n_evals, dim]

continuous evaluation point input variable values

np.ndarray [n_evals, dim]

evaluation point input variable values with enumerate index for categorical variables


Expand categorical inputs from initial x dimension space where categorical x dimensions are valued by the index in the corresponding enumerate list to the discrete unfolded space. For instance, if an input dimension is typed [“blue”, “red”, “green”] a sample/row of the input x may contain […, 2, …] which will be expanded in […, 0, 0, 1, …]. This function is the opposite of fold_with_enum_index().

x: np.ndarray [n_evals, nx]

continuous evaluation point input variable values

np.ndarray [n_evals, nx continuous]

evaluation point input variable values with enumerate index for categorical variables


Convert an x point with enum indexes to x point with enum levels

x: array-like

point to convert

x as a list with enum levels if any
cast_to_enum_value(x_col, enum_indexes)[source]

Return enumerate levels from indexes for the given x feature specified by x_col.

x_col: int

index of the feature typed as enum

enum_indexes: list

list of indexes in the possible values for the enum

list of levels (labels) for the given enum feature

Example of mixed-integer context usage

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

from smt.surrogate_models import KRG
from smt.sampling_methods import LHS, Random
from smt.applications.mixed_integer import MixedIntegerContext, FLOAT, ORD, ENUM

xtypes = [ORD, FLOAT, (ENUM, 4)]
xlimits = [[0, 5], [0.0, 4.0], ["blue", "red", "green", "yellow"]]

def ftest(x):
    return (x[:, 0] * x[:, 0] + x[:, 1] * x[:, 1]) * (x[:, 2] + 1)

# context to create consistent DOEs and surrogate
mixint = MixedIntegerContext(xtypes, xlimits)

# DOE for training
lhs = mixint.build_sampling_method(LHS, criterion="ese")

num = mixint.get_unfolded_dimension() * 5
print("DOE point nb = {}".format(num))
xt = lhs(num)
yt = ftest(xt)

# Surrogate
sm = mixint.build_surrogate_model(KRG())
sm.set_training_values(xt, yt)

# DOE for validation
rand = mixint.build_sampling_method(Random)
xv = rand(50)
yv = ftest(xv)
yp = sm.predict_values(xv)

plt.plot(yv, yv)
plt.plot(yv, yp, "o")

DOE point nb = 30


      # eval points. : 50

   Predicting ...
   Predicting - done. Time (sec):  0.0000000

   Prediction time/pt. (sec) :  0.0000000