Mixed Integer and Hierarchical Design Spaces (Variables, Sampling and Context)

Mixed-discrete surrogate models need detailed information about the behavior of the design space (the input space), which you can specify using the design_space module. The design space definition module also supports specifying design space hierarchy including conditionally active design variables.

Design variables types

The following variable types are supported:

  • Float: the variable can assume any real/continuous value between two bounds (inclusive)

  • Integer: the variable can assume any integer value between two bounds (inclusive)

  • Ordinal: the variable can assume any value from some set, order is relevant

  • Categorical: the variable can assume any value from some set, order is not relevant

Integer, ordinal and categorical variables are all discrete variables, as they can only assume specific values from some set. The main differences between these types is the question whether distance and whether ordering matters:

  • Integer: distance and order matters, e.g. the number of engines on an aircraft

  • Ordinal: only order matters, e.g. steps in a process

  • Categorical: neither distance nor order matters, e.g. different means for providing some functionality

More details can be found in [1] .

Variables are specified using the DesignVariable classes in smt.utils.design_space: - FloatVariable(lower_bound, upper_bound), upper should be greater than lower bound - IntegerVariable(lower_bound, upper_bound), bounds should be integers - OrdinalVariable(values), values is a list of int, float or str, encoded as integers from 0 to len(values)-1 - CategoricalVariable(values), same specification and encoding as ordinal

The design space is then defined from a list of design variables and implements sampling and correction interfaces:

import numpy as np
from smt.utils.design_space import (

ds = DesignSpace(
            ["A", "B"]
        ),  # x0 categorical: A or B; order is not relevant
            ["C", "D", "E"]
        ),  # x1 ordinal: C, D or E; order is relevant
            0, 2
        ),  # x2 integer between 0 and 2 (inclusive): 0, 1, 2
        FloatVariable(0, 1),  # c3 continuous between 0 and 1

# Sample the design space
# Note: is_acting_sampled specifies for each design variable whether it is acting or not
x_sampled, is_acting_sampled = ds.sample_valid_x(100)

# Correct design vectors: round discrete variables, correct hierarchical variables
x_corr, is_acting = ds.correct_get_acting(
            [0, 0, 2, 0.25],
            [0, 2, 1, 0.75],
[[ True  True  True  True]
 [ True  True  True  True]]

Hierarchical variables

The design space definition uses the framework of Audet et al. [2] to manage both mixed-discrete variables and hierarchical variables. We distinguish dimensional (or meta) variables which are a special type of variables that may affect the dimension of the problem and decide if some other decreed variables are acting or non-acting.

The hierarchy relationships are specified after instantiating the design space:

import numpy as np
from smt.utils.design_space import (

ds = DesignSpace(
            ["A", "B"]
        ),  # x0 categorical: A or B; order is not relevant
            ["C", "D", "E"]
        ),  # x1 ordinal: C, D or E; order is relevant
            0, 2
        ),  # x2 integer between 0 and 2 (inclusive): 0, 1, 2
        FloatVariable(0, 1),  # c3 continuous between 0 and 1

# Declare that x1 is acting if x0 == A
ds.declare_decreed_var(decreed_var=1, meta_var=0, meta_value="A")

# Sample the design space
# Note: is_acting_sampled specifies for each design variable whether it is acting or not
x_sampled, is_acting_sampled = ds.sample_valid_x(100)

# Correct design vectors: round discrete variables, correct hierarchical variables
x_corr, is_acting = ds.correct_get_acting(
            [0, 0, 2, 0.25],
            [1, 2, 1, 0.66],

# Observe the hierarchical behavior:
assert np.all(
    == np.array(
            [True, True, True, True],
            [True, False, True, True],  # x1 is not acting if x0 != A
assert np.all(
    == np.array(
            [0, 0, 2, 0.25],
            # x1 is not acting, so it is corrected ("imputed") to its non-acting value (0 for discrete vars)
            [1, 0, 1, 0.66],

Design space and variable class references

The DesignSpace class and design variable classes implement the relevant functionality.

class smt.utils.design_space.FloatVariable(lower: float, upper: float)[source]

A continuous design variable, varying between its lower and upper bounds



class smt.utils.design_space.IntegerVariable(lower: int, upper: int)[source]

An integer variable that can take any integer value between the bounds (inclusive)



class smt.utils.design_space.OrdinalVariable(values: List[str | int | float])[source]

An ordinal variable that can take any of the given value, and where order between the values matters




class smt.utils.design_space.CategoricalVariable(values: List[str | int | float])[source]

A categorical variable that can take any of the given values, and where order does not matter




class smt.utils.design_space.DesignSpace(design_variables: List[DesignVariable] | list | ndarray, seed=None)[source]

Class for defining a (hierarchical) design space by defining design variables, and defining decreed variables (optional).

Numerical bounds can be requested using get_num_bounds(). If needed, it is possible to get the legacy SMT < 2.0 xlimits format using get_x_limits().

design_variables: list[DesignVariable]
  • The list of design variables: FloatVariable, IntegerVariable, OrdinalVariable, or CategoricalVariable


Instantiate the design space with all its design variables:

>>> print("toto")
>>> from smt.utils.design_space import DesignSpace, FloatVariable, IntegerVariable, OrdinalVariable, CategoricalVariable
>>> ds = DesignSpace([
>>>     CategoricalVariable(['A', 'B']),  # x0 categorical: A or B; order is not relevant
>>>     OrdinalVariable(['C', 'D', 'E']),  # x1 ordinal: C, D or E; order is relevant
>>>     IntegerVariable(0, 2),  # x2 integer between 0 and 2 (inclusive): 0, 1, 2
>>>     FloatVariable(0, 1),  # c3 continuous between 0 and 1
>>> ])
>>> assert len(ds.design_variables) == 4

You can define decreed variables (conditional activation):

>>> ds.declare_decreed_var(decreed_var=1, meta_var=0, meta_value='A')  # Activate x1 if x0 == A

After defining everything correctly, you can then use the design space object to correct design vectors and get information about which design variables are acting:

>>> x_corr, is_acting = ds.correct_get_acting(np.array([
>>>     [0, 0, 2, .25],
>>>     [1, 2, 1, .75],
>>> ]))
>>> assert np.all(x_corr == np.array([
>>>     [0, 0, 2, .25],
>>>     [1, 0, 1, .75],
>>> ]))
>>> assert np.all(is_acting == np.array([
>>>     [True, True, True, True],
>>>     [True, False, True, True],  # x1 is not acting if x0 != A
>>> ]))

It is also possible to randomly sample design vectors conforming to the constraints:

>>> x_sampled, is_acting_sampled = ds.sample_valid_x(100)

You can also instantiate a purely-continuous design space from bounds directly:

>>> continuous_design_space = DesignSpace([(0, 1), (0, 2), (.5, 5.5)])
>>> assert continuous_design_space.n_dv == 3

If needed, it is possible to get the legacy design space definition format:

>>> xlimits = ds.get_x_limits()
>>> cont_bounds = ds.get_num_bounds()
>>> unfolded_cont_bounds = ds.get_unfolded_num_bounds()

Whether or not the space is continuous


Boolean mask specifying for each design variable whether it is a categorical variable


Boolean mask specifying for each design variable whether it is conditionally acting (can be non-acting)


Get the number of design variables



Correct the given matrix of design vectors and return the corrected vectors and the is_acting matrix.

declare_decreed_var(decreed_var, meta_var, ...)

Define a conditional (decreed) variable to be active when the meta variable has (one of) the provided values.

decode_values(x[, i_dv])

Return decoded values: converts ordinal and categorical back to their original values.

sample_valid_x(n[, unfolded, random_state])

Sample n design vectors and additionally return the is_acting matrix.

correct_get_acting(x: ndarray) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]

Correct the given matrix of design vectors and return the corrected vectors and the is_acting matrix. It is automatically detected whether input is provided in unfolded space or not.

x: np.ndarray [n_obs, dim]
  • Input variables

x_corrected: np.ndarray [n_obs, dim]
  • Corrected and imputed input variables

is_acting: np.ndarray [n_obs, dim]
  • Boolean matrix specifying for each variable whether it is acting or non-acting

declare_decreed_var(decreed_var: int, meta_var: int, meta_value: int | str | List[str | int])[source]

Define a conditional (decreed) variable to be active when the meta variable has (one of) the provided values.

decreed_var: int
  • Index of the conditional variable (the variable that is conditionally active)

meta_var: int
  • Index of the meta variable (the variable that determines whether the conditional var is active)

meta_value: int | str | list[int|str]
  • The value or list of values that the meta variable can have to activate the decreed var

decode_values(x: ndarray, i_dv: int = None) List[str | int | float | list]

Return decoded values: converts ordinal and categorical back to their original values.

If i_dv is given, decoding is done for one specific design variable only. If i_dv=None, decoding will be done for all design variables: 1d input is interpreted as a design vector, 2d input is interpreted as a set of design vectors.

property is_all_cont: bool

Whether or not the space is continuous

property is_cat_mask: ndarray

Boolean mask specifying for each design variable whether it is a categorical variable

property is_conditionally_acting: ndarray

Boolean mask specifying for each design variable whether it is conditionally acting (can be non-acting)

property n_dv: int

Get the number of design variables

sample_valid_x(n: int, unfolded=False, random_state=None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]

Sample n design vectors and additionally return the is_acting matrix.

n: int
  • Number of samples to generate

unfolded: bool
  • Whether to return the samples in unfolded space (each categorical level gets its own dimension)

x: np.ndarray [n, dim]
  • Valid design vectors

is_acting: np.ndarray [n, dim]
  • Boolean matrix specifying for each variable whether it is acting or non-acting

Example of sampling a mixed-discrete design space

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors

from smt.utils.design_space import (

float_var = FloatVariable(0, 4)
cat_var = CategoricalVariable(["blue", "red"])

design_space = DesignSpace(

num = 40
x, x_is_acting = design_space.sample_valid_x(num)

cmap = colors.ListedColormap(cat_var.values)
plt.scatter(x[:, 0], np.zeros(num), c=x[:, 1], cmap=cmap)

Mixed integer context

The MixedIntegerContext class helps the user to use mixed integer sampling methods and surrogate models consistently by acting as a factory for those objects given a x specification: (xtypes, xlimits).

class smt.applications.mixed_integer.MixedIntegerContext(design_space, work_in_folded_space=True)[source]

Class which acts as sampling method and surrogate model factory to handle integer and categorical variables consistently.




Build MixedIntegerKrigingModel from given SMT surrogate model.


Build Mixed Integer LHS ESE sampler.


Build MixedIntegerKrigingModel from given SMT surrogate model.


Returns x dimension (int) taking into account unfolded categorical features


Returns relaxed xlimits Each level of an enumerate gives a new continuous dimension in [0, 1].

MixedIntegerContext.__init__(design_space, work_in_folded_space=True)[source]
design_space: BaseDesignSpace

the design space definition (includes mixed-discrete and/or hierarchical specifications)

work_in_folded_space: bool

whether x data are in given in folded space (enum indexes) or not (enum masks)


Build Mixed Integer LHS ESE sampler.


Build MixedIntegerKrigingModel from given SMT surrogate model.

Example of mixed integer context usage

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from smt.surrogate_models import KRG
from smt.applications.mixed_integer import MixedIntegerContext
from smt.utils.design_space import (

design_space = DesignSpace(
        IntegerVariable(0, 5),
        FloatVariable(0.0, 4.0),
        CategoricalVariable(["blue", "red", "green", "yellow"]),

def ftest(x):
    return (x[:, 0] * x[:, 0] + x[:, 1] * x[:, 1]) * (x[:, 2] + 1)

# Helper class for creating surrogate models
mi_context = MixedIntegerContext(design_space)

# DOE for training
sampler = mi_context.build_sampling_method()

num = mi_context.get_unfolded_dimension() * 5
print("DOE point nb = {}".format(num))
xt = sampler(num)
yt = ftest(xt)

# Surrogate
sm = mi_context.build_kriging_model(KRG())
sm.set_training_values(xt, yt)

# DOE for validation
xv = sampler(50)
yv = ftest(xv)
yp = sm.predict_values(xv)

plt.plot(yv, yv)
plt.plot(yv, yp, "o")

DOE point nb = 30


      # eval points. : 50

   Predicting ...
   Predicting - done. Time (sec):  0.0172906

   Prediction time/pt. (sec) :  0.0003458
