Marginal Gaussian Process (MGP)¶
Marginal Gaussian Processes (MGP) are Gaussian Processes taking into account the uncertainty of the hyperparameters defined as a density probability function. Especially we suppose that the function to model \(f : \Omega \mapsto \mathbb{R}\), where \(\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^d\) and \(d\) is the number of design variables, lies in a linear embedding \(\mathcal{A}\) such as \(\mathcal{A} = \{ u = Ax, x\in\Omega\}\), \(A \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d_e}\) and \(f(x)=f_{\mathcal{A}}(Ax)\) with \(f(x)=f_{\mathcal{A}} : \mathcal{A} \mapsto \mathbb{R}\) et \(d_e \ll d\).
Then, we must use a kernel \(k(x,x')=k_{\mathcal{A}}(Ax,Ax')\) whose each component of the transfert matrix \(A\) is an hyperparameter. Thus we have \(d_e \times d\) hyperparameters to find. (Note that \(d_e\) is defined as \(n\_comp\) in the code).
Moreover, we suppose that \(A\) follows a normal distribution \(\mathcal{N}(vect(\hat A),\Sigma)\), with a mean vector \(vect(\hat A)\) and a covariance matrix \(\Sigma\), which are taken into account in the Gaussian Process building. Using a Gaussian Process with \(\hat A\) as hyperparameters and some approximations, we obtain the prediction and variance of the MGP considering the normal distribution of \(A\). For more theory on the MGP, refer to [1].
This implementation only considers a Gaussian kernel. Moreover, the kernel \(k_{\mathcal{A}}\) is a uniform Gaussian kernel. The training of the MGP can be very time consuming.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from smt.sampling_methods import LHS
from smt.surrogate_models import MGP
# Construction of the DOE
dim = 3
def fun(x):
import numpy as np
res = (
np.sum(x, axis=1) ** 2
- np.sum(x, axis=1)
+ 0.2 * (np.sum(x, axis=1) * 1.2) ** 3
return res
sampling = LHS(
xlimits=np.asarray([(-1, 1)] * dim), criterion="m", random_state=42
xt = sampling(8)
yt = np.atleast_2d(fun(xt)).T
# Build the MGP model
sm = MGP(
sm.set_training_values(xt, yt[:, 0])
# Get the transfert matrix A
emb = sm.embedding["C"]
# Compute the smallest box containing all points of A
upper = np.sum(np.abs(emb), axis=0).item()
lower = -upper
# Test the model
u_plot = np.atleast_2d(np.arange(lower, upper, 0.01)).T
x_plot = sm.get_x_from_u(u_plot) # Get corresponding points in Omega
y_plot_true = fun(x_plot)
y_plot_pred = sm.predict_values(u_plot)
sigma_MGP = sm.predict_variances(u_plot)
sigma_KRG = sm.predict_variances_no_uq(u_plot)
u_train = sm.get_u_from_x(xt) # Get corresponding points in A
# Plots
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(u_plot, y_plot_pred, label="Predicted")
ax.plot(u_plot, y_plot_true, "k--", label="True")
ax.plot(u_train, yt, "k+", mew=3, ms=10, label="Train")
u_plot[:, 0],
y_plot_pred[:, 0] - 3 * sigma_MGP[:, 0],
y_plot_pred[:, 0] + 3 * sigma_MGP[:, 0],
label="Variance with hyperparameters uncertainty",
u_plot[:, 0],
y_plot_pred[:, 0] - 3 * sigma_KRG[:, 0],
y_plot_pred[:, 0] + 3 * sigma_KRG[:, 0],
label="Variance without hyperparameters uncertainty",
ax.set(xlabel="x", ylabel="y", title="MGP")
fig.legend(loc="upper center", ncol=2)
Problem size
# training points. : 8
Training ...
Training - done. Time (sec): 0.8740928

Option |
Default |
Acceptable values |
Acceptable types |
Description |
print_global |
True |
None |
[‘bool’] |
Global print toggle. If False, all printing is suppressed |
print_training |
True |
None |
[‘bool’] |
Whether to print training information |
print_prediction |
True |
None |
[‘bool’] |
Whether to print prediction information |
print_problem |
True |
None |
[‘bool’] |
Whether to print problem information |
print_solver |
True |
None |
[‘bool’] |
Whether to print solver information |
poly |
constant |
[‘constant’, ‘linear’, ‘quadratic’] |
[‘str’] |
Regression function type |
corr |
squar_exp |
[‘pow_exp’, ‘abs_exp’, ‘squar_exp’, ‘act_exp’, ‘matern52’, ‘matern32’] |
[‘str’, ‘Kernel’] |
Correlation function type |
pow_exp_power |
1.9 |
None |
[‘float’] |
Power for the pow_exp kernel function (valid values in (0.0, 2.0]). This option is set automatically when corr option is squar, abs, or matern. |
categorical_kernel |
MixIntKernelType.CONT_RELAX |
None |
The kernel to use for categorical inputs. Only for non continuous Kriging |
hierarchical_kernel |
MixHrcKernelType.ALG_KERNEL |
[<MixHrcKernelType.ALG_KERNEL: ‘ALG_KERNEL’>, <MixHrcKernelType.ARC_KERNEL: ‘ARC_KERNEL’>] |
None |
The kernel to use for mixed hierarchical inputs. Only for non continuous Kriging |
nugget |
2.220446049250313e-14 |
None |
[‘float’] |
a jitter for numerical stability |
theta0 |
[0.01] |
None |
[‘list’, ‘ndarray’] |
Initial hyperparameters |
theta_bounds |
[1e-06, 20.0] |
None |
[‘list’, ‘ndarray’] |
bounds for hyperparameters |
hyper_opt |
[‘Cobyla’, ‘TNC’] |
[‘str’] |
Optimiser for hyperparameters optimisation |
eval_noise |
False |
[True, False] |
[‘bool’] |
noise evaluation flag |
noise0 |
[0.0] |
None |
[‘list’, ‘ndarray’] |
Initial noise hyperparameters |
noise_bounds |
[2.220446049250313e-14, 10000000000.0] |
None |
[‘list’, ‘ndarray’] |
bounds for noise hyperparameters |
use_het_noise |
False |
[True, False] |
[‘bool’] |
heteroscedastic noise evaluation flag |
n_start |
10 |
None |
[‘int’] |
number of optimizer runs (multistart method) |
xlimits |
None |
None |
[‘list’, ‘ndarray’] |
definition of a design space of float (continuous) variables: array-like of size nx x 2 (lower, upper bounds) |
design_space |
None |
None |
[‘BaseDesignSpace’, ‘list’, ‘ndarray’] |
definition of the (hierarchical) design space: use smt.design_space.DesignSpace as the main API. Also accepts list of float variable bounds |
is_ri |
False |
None |
[‘bool’] |
activate reinterpolation for noisy cases |
random_state |
41 |
None |
[‘NoneType’, ‘int’, ‘RandomState’] |
Numpy RandomState object or seed number which controls random draws for internal optim (set by default to get reproductibility) |
n_comp |
1 |
None |
[‘int’] |
Number of active dimensions |
prior |
{‘mean’: [0.0], ‘var’: 1.25} |
None |
[‘dict’] |
Parameters for Gaussian prior of the Hyperparameters |