Surrogate modeling methods

SMT contains the surrogate modeling methods listed below.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from smt.surrogate_models import RBF

xt = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0])
yt = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 0.9, 1.0])

sm = RBF(d0=5)
sm.set_training_values(xt, yt)

num = 100
x = np.linspace(0.0, 4.0, num)
y = sm.predict_values(x)

plt.plot(xt, yt, "o")
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.legend(["Training data", "Prediction"])


 Problem size

      # training points.        : 5



   Training ...
      Initializing linear solver ...
         Performing LU fact. (5 x 5 mtx) ...
         Performing LU fact. (5 x 5 mtx) - done. Time (sec):  0.0000000
      Initializing linear solver - done. Time (sec):  0.0000000
      Solving linear system (col. 0) ...
         Back solving (5 x 5 mtx) ...
         Back solving (5 x 5 mtx) - done. Time (sec):  0.0000000
      Solving linear system (col. 0) - done. Time (sec):  0.0000000
   Training - done. Time (sec):  0.0000000


      # eval points. : 100

   Predicting ...
   Predicting - done. Time (sec):  0.0000000

   Prediction time/pt. (sec) :  0.0000000

SurrogateModel class API

All surrogate modeling methods implement the following API, though some of the functions in the API are not supported by all methods.

class smt.surrogate_models.surrogate_model.SurrogateModel(**kwargs)[source]

Base class for all surrogate models.


Dictionary of options. Options values can be set on this attribute directly or they can be passed in as keyword arguments during instantiation.


Dictionary containing information about what this surrogate model supports.



Static method implemented by each surrogate model type (ie class) to load the surrogate object from a file created by using the corresponding save method

predict_derivatives(x, kx)

Predict the dy_dx derivatives at a set of points.


Predict the derivatives dy_dyt at a set of points.


Predict the output values at a set of points.

predict_variance_derivatives(x, kx)

Provide the derivatives of the variance of the model at a set of points.


Provide the gradient of the variance of the model at a given point (ie the derivatives wrt to all component at a unique point x)


Predict the variances at a set of points.


Implemented by surrogate models to save the surrogate object in a file

set_training_derivatives(xt, dyt_dxt, kx[, name])

Set training data (derivatives).

set_training_values(xt, yt[, name])

Set training data (values).


Train the model

update_training_derivatives(dyt_dxt, kx[, name])

Update the training data (values) at the previously set input values.

update_training_values(yt[, name])

Update the training data (values) at the previously set input values.


>>> from smt.surrogate_models import RBF
>>> sm = RBF(print_training=False)
>>> sm.options['print_prediction'] = False

Constructor where values of options can be passed in.

For the list of options, see the documentation for the surrogate model being used.

**kwargsnamed arguments

Set of options that can be optionally set; each option must have been declared.


>>> from smt.surrogate_models import RBF
>>> sm = RBF(print_global=False)
set_training_values(xt: ndarray, yt: ndarray, name=None) None[source]

Set training data (values).

xtnp.ndarray[nt, nx] or np.ndarray[nt]

The input values for the nt training points.

ytnp.ndarray[nt, ny] or np.ndarray[nt]

The output values for the nt training points.

namestr or None

An optional label for the group of training points being set. This is only used in special situations (e.g., multi-fidelity applications).

set_training_derivatives(xt: ndarray, dyt_dxt: ndarray, kx: int, name: str | None = None) None[source]

Set training data (derivatives).

xtnp.ndarray[nt, nx] or np.ndarray[nt]

The input values for the nt training points.

dyt_dxtnp.ndarray[nt, ny] or np.ndarray[nt]

The derivatives values for the nt training points.


0-based index of the derivatives being set.

namestr or None

An optional label for the group of training points being set. This is only used in special situations (e.g., multi-fidelity applications).

train() None[source]

Train the model

predict_values(x: ndarray) ndarray[source]

Predict the output values at a set of points.

xnp.ndarray[nt, nx] or np.ndarray[nt]

Input values for the prediction points.

ynp.ndarray[nt, ny]

Output values at the prediction points.

predict_derivatives(x: ndarray, kx: int) ndarray[source]

Predict the dy_dx derivatives at a set of points.

xnp.ndarray[nt, nx] or np.ndarray[nt]

Input values for the prediction points.


The 0-based index of the input variable with respect to which derivatives are desired.

dy_dxnp.ndarray[nt, ny]


predict_output_derivatives(x: ndarray) dict[source]

Predict the derivatives dy_dyt at a set of points.

xnp.ndarray[nt, nx] or np.ndarray[nt]

Input values for the prediction points.

dy_dytdict of np.ndarray[nt, nt]

Dictionary of output derivatives. Key is None for derivatives wrt yt and kx for derivatives wrt dyt_dxt.

predict_variances(x: ndarray) ndarray[source]

Predict the variances at a set of points.

xnp.ndarray[nt, nx] or np.ndarray[nt]

Input values for the prediction points.

s2np.ndarray[nt, ny]


predict_variance_derivatives(x: ndarray, kx: int) ndarray[source]

Provide the derivatives of the variance of the model at a set of points.

xnp.ndarray [n_evals, dim]

Evaluation point input variable values


The 0-based index of the input variable with respect to which derivatives are desired.

derived_variance: np.ndarray

The kx-th derivatives of the variance of the kriging model

predict_variance_gradient(x: ndarray) ndarray[source]

Provide the gradient of the variance of the model at a given point (ie the derivatives wrt to all component at a unique point x)

xnp.ndarray [1, dim] or even (dim,) vector

Evaluation point input variable values


The jacobian of the variance of the kriging model


Implemented by surrogate models to save the surrogate object in a file

static load(filename)[source]

Static method implemented by each surrogate model type (ie class) to load the surrogate object from a file created by using the corresponding save method

How to save and load trained surrogate models

As of SMT 2.9, the surrogate API offers save/load methods which can be used as below.

Saving the model

The instance method save() is used to save the trained model (here KRG) in a binary file named kriging.bin.

sm = KRG()
sm.set_training_values(xtrain, ytrain)
sm.train()"kriging.bin ")

Loading the model

The previous model can be reloaded knowing the type of surrogate being saved (ie. KRG) from the binary file with:

sm2 = KRG.load("kriging.bin")
ytest = sm2.predict_values(xtest)