Developer API for surrogate models¶
- class smt.surrogate_models.surrogate_model.SurrogateModel(**kwargs)[source]¶
Base class for all surrogate models.
- Attributes:
- optionsOptionsDictionary
Dictionary of options. Options values can be set on this attribute directly or they can be passed in as keyword arguments during instantiation.
- supportsdict
Dictionary containing information about what this surrogate model supports.
(filename)Static method implemented by each surrogate model type (ie class) to load the surrogate object from a file created by using the corresponding save method
(x, kx)Predict the dy_dx derivatives at a set of points.
Predict the derivatives dy_dyt at a set of points.
Predict the output values at a set of points.
(x, kx)Provide the derivatives of the variance of the model at a set of points.
Provide the gradient of the variance of the model at a given point (ie the derivatives wrt to all component at a unique point x)
Predict the variances at a set of points.
(filename)Implemented by surrogate models to save the surrogate object in a file
(xt, dyt_dxt, kx[, name])Set training data (derivatives).
(xt, yt[, name])Set training data (values).
()Train the model
(dyt_dxt, kx[, name])Update the training data (values) at the previously set input values.
(yt[, name])Update the training data (values) at the previously set input values.
>>> from smt.surrogate_models import RBF >>> sm = RBF(print_training=False) >>> sm.options['print_prediction'] = False
- _initialize()[source]¶
Implemented by surrogate models to declare options and declare what they support (optional).
self.options.declare(‘option_name’, default_value, types=(bool, int), desc=’description’) self.supports[‘derivatives’] = True
- _train() None [source]¶
Implemented by surrogate models to perform training (optional, but typically implemented).
- abstract _predict_values(x: ndarray) ndarray [source]¶
Implemented by surrogate models to predict the output values.
- Parameters:
- xnp.ndarray[nt, nx]
Input values for the prediction points.
- Returns:
- ynp.ndarray[nt, ny]
Output values at the prediction points.
- _predict_derivatives(x: ndarray, kx: int) ndarray [source]¶
Implemented by surrogate models to predict the dy_dx derivatives (optional).
If this method is implemented, the surrogate model should have self.supports[‘derivatives’] = True in the _initialize() implementation.
- Parameters:
- xnp.ndarray[nt, nx]
Input values for the prediction points.
- kxint
The 0-based index of the input variable with respect to which derivatives are desired.
- Returns:
- dy_dxnp.ndarray[nt, ny]
- _predict_output_derivatives(x: ndarray) dict [source]¶
Implemented by surrogate models to predict the dy_dyt derivatives (optional).
If this method is implemented, the surrogate model should have self.supports[‘derivatives’] = True in the _initialize() implementation.
- Parameters:
- xnp.ndarray[nt, nx]
Input values for the prediction points.
- Returns:
- dy_dytdict of np.ndarray[nt, nt]
Dictionary of output derivatives. Key is None for derivatives wrt yt and kx for derivatives wrt dyt_dxt.
- _predict_variances(x: ndarray) ndarray [source]¶
Implemented by surrogate models to predict the variances at a set of points (optional).
If this method is implemented, the surrogate model should have self.supports[‘variances’] = True in the _initialize() implementation.
- Parameters:
- xnp.ndarray[nt, nx]
Input values for the prediction points.
- is_actingnp.ndarray[nt, nx] or np.ndarray[nt]
Matrix specifying for each design variable whether it is acting or not (for hierarchical design spaces)
- Returns:
- s2np.ndarray[nt, ny]